Friday 8 October 2010

Hi Wycombe Hi Crazy nice people

So, i rock up to High Wycombe on the 19th September with a mixture of nerves excitement and a whole heap of apprehenshion. This after all will be my home for the next three years and if i dont like it; well i have to like it, that is the point and thats why i had been experiencing many a sleepless night prior to my arrival. Thoughts included 'what if they all hate me' 'will i live with loonatics' and most importantly 'will my liver survive'. Once i actually got there i had the mammoth task of unloading the car which to any normal person would be rather straight forward however when you have got enough appliances to kit out Jamie Olivers kitchen and enough clothes to stage a fashion show it is not so simple. Throw in a fridge and i seriously have problems. I decide on this occasion to let my parents do the lifting and all thats left for me to do is something that i had been telling myself i had to do for weeks. Talk, and so i did everyone i saw i had a chat with and then i talked some more and well you get the point.

So now we move on about an hour and people in my flat start arriving, the parents dissapear and i am faced with a red haired geordie who i couldnt understand at all, the bubbliest girl in the world who heralds from the isle of man and a long haired rocker from Hertford. Little old me from Essex was going to have his work cut out. Over the last 2 weeks i have learnt that 1st impressions really dont always ring true and the phrase 'don't judge a book by it's cover' really is relevant here. I have now got to know my flat mates really well and they are all actually really nice and believe it or not are sort of normal. There has been some akward moments as well as deep debates but the most prominant moment so far was the toaster blowing up in the kitchen, now that i dont think i'll forget in a long time. I guess you can stock your cupboards like Jamie Oliver but you might not always be blessed with his cullenary skills.

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