Advertising is often fairly straight forward. Lets face it, often its over complicated but the end goal is as simple as you can get. Sell whatever product you've got to as many people as you can. Well yes...... but i'm afraid it does get slightly complicated when you add in something called gender. This is something that many of us will never understand and to be honest the advertisers struggle as well.
Advertising to a man is completely different to advertising to a women. It's not rocket science to figure that out. Men value different things to Women and advertising therefore reflects this. It is easy to figure out the adverts that are aimed at the different sexes.
This advert is obviously aimed at Men as they usually like football and therefore it will get their attention. Combine this with the element of humour and Lucozade have got themselves a great advert. It's the sort of thing that guys will talk about down the pub and before you know it everyone is talking about that Lucozade advert with the old and fat guys.
On the other hand this advert is clearly aimed at Women as women want to be informed as well as entertained whereas the majority of the time men want to be entertained by great humour or a hot woman. This advert manages to get across the relevant information about the calories that are in each Malteser as well as the humour element. This manages to subliminally stamp out the message that Maltesers are un-healthy as well as incorporating humour. What women doesn't find taking the piss out of their husband funny? Maltesers also sponsor Loose Women which is definately aimed at Women and is an hour of man bashing at its best. Women will be emptying the supermarket shelves of maltesers.
Melanie Yarborough of Neutral Corner completed some research where she posed the question 'do men and women see different things?'. Now if you ask most married women if their husbands see the pile of washing that needs to be done the answer would most definately be no. Just like if most husbands were asked if their wives see the fact that their car needs washing, again i think it will be a no. This article was headlined with the quote "There really are fundamental differences in the way men and women process information...Women tend to process more extensively more different pieces of information...Men tend to rely more on mental shortcuts..." This was concluded by National Public Radio's 'Talk of the Nation'. This is why in advertising there are such obvious differences between adverts aimed at men and women. Men like to keep it simple 'here's my product here's a sexy women selling it to you, now go buy it'. Whereas women like to see beyond the product. They like to see where this product will fit in with them and how it will improve their lives, they need to relate to a product before they purchase, if they can't see themselves using it then you've had it. Simply put women look at the bigger picture whereas men see it, if they like it they buy it.
Simple block colourings work well in adverts aimed at men because it's simple. Not too much to think about and does what it says on the tin and is perfectly functional. That is why the slogan for 'No more Nails' is actually 'Does what it says on the tin'. Guys like this; there's no jumped up sales twit selling them something they don't need or care about or some soppy back story, it's simple if you need something to stick use no more nails. Besides they've already got enough on their plate worrying about who should be the next man to take the poison chalice that is the England job and how West Ham are going to get themselves out of the drop zone.
Adverts aimed at women however are very different; there is colour; more colour and then.... you guessed it. More colour, there are flowers that have been arranged perfectly of course and picturesque beaches with Jamie Redknapp elequently narrating just how amazing his holiday is whilst hitting a golf ball for miles on a desserted island. Put simply a womens plate is never full, they want their adverts to be informative; look good; have personality; make them think; evoke emotion and feature some eye candy as well. Men would take the first and last one and be happy with it.
Women tend to worry a lot and as previously mentioned have a lot on there plate constantly. Men just dont need the bother. This video illustartes this perfectly.
So what does the professional say? Well Brassinton points out that 'Knowing who you are talking to is the foundation of good communication'. You may think this sounds easy and obvious however trying to create a profile of your target consumer is often very difficult and it's the adverts that manage to do this that are the most successful.
So there you have it..... Women are crazy and have very full plates, men are well lazy and have small plates. Simple really isnt it. Getting adverts to adhere to this is not always as easy though.
Do you think I'm doing it wrong?? Another captivating posting - great style. Loved the two clips - football and the last one. Both very entertaining. Good to see evidence of the academic research too. PLEASE embed the clips in the blog though for us visual types :)